segunda-feira, dezembro 28, 2009

Troca de E-mails #1: O homem com o jarro d'água

Uma vez me falaram que estava por vir uma nova era, que esta nova era traría um novo profeta, que estava escrito na Bíblia que Jesus tinha dito para procurarmos pelo "homem com o jarro d'água". Seria a era de Aquário fazendo-se ouvir.

Uma era de consciência coletiva, de amor ao próximo, de sociedade amonetárias. Muito difícil acreditar em tudo isso assim, logo de saída. Muito difícil acreditar em tudo isso quando não é mais 1960. Muito difícil acreditar em tudo isso sem Hendrix e sua guitarra. Sem Lennon e suas palavras.

Ou talvez não: fui ver Avatar. O filme mais caro já produzido pela indústria cinematográfica. Um breakthrough tecnológico, efeitos especiais fantástico, o filme em si é um gigante efeito especial. E o enrredo: Consciência Coletiva.

Então a gente começa pensar que talvez alguma coisa possa estar acontencendo.

Recebi um e-mail do outro lado do mundo. É de uma menina que foi minha colega quando estudamos cinema em Paris. É minha irmã. Brigaríamos pelo maior pedaço de bife na mesa, sem falsas etiquetas. É minha irmã.

Fazia tempo que não nos falavamos e ele encontrou um e-email que eu enviei a quase um ano atrás. E desse e-mail seguiu uma conversa.

Ah, ia quase esquecendo, ela é formada em Clássicos Gregos e Filosofia, com mestrado em Relações Diplomáticas e sua tese foi sobre O Potencial Econômico Africano. Hoje ele faz documentários na Africa. E ela é uma menina, e faz festas, e bebe, e dividiu uma casa comigo, e tomou sopa em taças de Champagne comigo. E ela é minha irmã.

Quando recebemos um e-mail de uma irmã falando coisas incríveis sobre raínhas africanas, então a certeza começa a aumentar, de que esteja vindo por aí UM HOMEM COM UM JARRO D'AGUA!

Segue a conversa.

* * *

Léria para mim:

I really loved what you said about no more cuts. One thing I have enjoyed about getting older is that even if you never get closer to understanding life or the reasons why things happen, you really learn to accpet and to mend. To discuss and to reparate, keep baonds going. Its as if we form solidarity through the difficulty of the realisation that no, we will never really undertsand how things wre and why, but were all in the same ocean of souls.

Sorry if I'm sounding insane. Im starting to think junglike with the collective subconscious, which i dont believe is so subconscious, I think were all becoming more conscious of colective connection as we grow through life. Well, not all of us!! but the ones who are feel that solidarity. Sorry im making no sense!

I have had a great 2009, the year is what you make it right? And i learned a lot from the documentaries and adverts we were making. Especially about relationships and who you fall in love with and how. Creating things together is what matters most I believe.

I shall send you some funny annecdotes of the docus and how weve really had it tough with filming in the jungle and not knowing whether your doing the right thing, whether this will ever work out, and then seeing that one shot that really makes you believe in what you are doing.

I met the most incredible woman, she is my mothers age, she is an african queen, was the 16th wife of a Bangante Chief in Cameroon, speaks Bangante fluently and is respected throughout The Country. She is a white french woman who just stayed faithful to herself, because she was never conditioned into any society. Even the bagante one, she never followed their rituals. But she just commands respect. Its worth a trip to Cameroon. And a lot of people make the trip just for her.

Anyhoo i have to go shower cos i stink, just had a mlassive work out; but please send some news of what your up to and how things are going.

much much love

L xxx

*   *   *

Mim para Léria: 

WOW. That's just WOW. 

No, you are not sounding insane. Maybe you're sounding like a Na'vi from the film Avatar, but not insane.

Maybe you are sounding just like me. That's what I believe in. I'll send you the link to a text I wrote last year thanking about a crazy guy I met on a bus trip in Florida.

We talked about a lot of stuff, some believable, some not, but he spoke about the man with the jar of water and how we are entering a new era of collective consciousness, and YES, MY AQUARIUS SISTER, WE ARE.

And we, more than most, I'm sure were born to live in this era and no other. Well, who is sounding insane now...

Well, I'm just happy to see that even so far away, we still manage to stay connected  in our feeling and beliefs. I want to meet this Queen. Oh Gosh, I'm blown away by your e-mail.

As for me, I believe to be going through my final stage to becoming an adult: which I'm finding very challenging and fun at the same time. Deep inside I feel just like a child playing "let's pretend", the only difference is that is a never ending game. I have been writing a lot, which is making me real happy and, very very recently, came back to painting, which is making me ULTRA happy, with a big sense of powerness (new word, just invented =D) and self-possibilities but, most of all, a great sense of gratitude for everything and everyone.

Maybe I too, am entering the era and changing my mind, too. And so I hope. For the year to end, my word was: EVOLUTION. And saying that to you makes me very happy. Somehow I feel that was one of your words too.

I love you and I miss you.

Much Much love,

B X X X X X X X  (BIIIIG ecxes for you!)

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